October 30, 2020

After surprising fans in late 2019 with their Whenever album, Atmosphere has returned on The Day Before Halloween with a proper follow-up.
In a year that’s been anything but “normal,” Slug and Ant are stepping out of their comfort zones to deliver an “album loosely conceptualized around the life of a visual artist living in an antiquated surveillance state. The Day Before Halloween is menacing. It’s murky. It’s George Orwell meets Keith Haring at a video arcade on New Year’s Day, 1985.”
It’s unlike any Atmosphere album you’ve heard – and that’s exciting.
Press play below and add The Day Before Halloween wherever you stream music. Physical copies and other goodies are available at AtmosphereSucks.
Atmosphere Returns on ‘The Day Before Halloween’ to Release an Album was last modified: October 30th, 2020 by