November 19, 2020

While plans to throw his seventh annual Bruiser Thanksgiving celebration are still a go, Danny Brown will safely abide by social distancing rules/mandates and will throw his even virtually in 2020.
Taking place on November 25, the Bruiser Thanksgiving 7 will feature the likes of Danny, Shigeto, ZelooperZ, Tiny Jag, and Bruiser Wolf. The venue will, interestingly enough, be the house used in Danny’s “Best Life” video. Donations throughout the BS7 will go to Inside Out Detroit, which works to encourage and empower the creative voice for local Detroit youth.
Danny has also shared a video for “Savage Nomad.” Taken from his 2019 album uknowhatimsayin¿, the video was shot during Danny’s (pre-pandemic) North American tour earlier this year… which honestly feels like five years ago at this point. Sigh.
Watch below.
Danny Brown – “Savage Nomad” (Video) was last modified: November 19th, 2020 by