In 2019, NDP leader Jagmeet Singh was the only party head to attempt the Hip Flip during the federal election. Now, ahead of the 2021 election, he’s done it again thanks to a hilarious new interview with Narduwar.
Every election, it’s tradition for Narduwar to reach out to the political party leaders for an interview. Canada’s favourite Human Serviette chatted with Singh outside Vancouver’s Neptoon Records, where he gifted the politician some vinyls including Rascalz’s “Northern Touch” and Maestro Fresh Wes’ “Let Your Backbone Slide.”
“If you haven’t danced to this track, have you even lived?” Singh said about “Let Your Backbone Slide.”
Aside from Canadian hip-hop, the two discussed Singh’s wishes to implement pharmacare, his guitar playing skills, and foods he fancies including dosa and pizza. He quickly shouted out the pizza spot in Windsor that he loved as a kid, Pizza Riviera, because if you didn’t know, Windsor has some pretty great pies.
They also discussed why Canada needs to be a leader in renewable energy, with Singh pointing out that the country needs to be because “that’s where the world is headed.”
“It’s going to help us fight the climate crisis. We don’t have to pick and choose between the environment and the economy, we can do both,” he said. “We can invest in clean energy and create good jobs.”
As with any Narduwar interview, it wouldn’t be complete without the two doing the Hip Flip. While Narduwar has yet to do the Hip Flip with any of the other party leaders this year, Green leader Annamie Paul has agreed to do an interview with him.
“Jagmeet, welcome to the Hip Flip club of 2021,” Narduwar said.