Charles KinG is a rapper, songwriter, videographer, and freestyle artist from Las Vegas. Dropping the debut album The R.O.S.E (Re-invention of Self Expression) after doing a complete rebrand and re-invention of himself as an artist. Formerly Known as Charlie Madness. The madness no longer exists as the KinG looks to bring a message in the music and create art that will live on for generations. Speaking on things like addiction, love, being a father and the struggles of being an independent artist.

“As far as being an artist in general, just get used to the word ‘no’. Like, don’t get discouraged and motherfuckers are gonna tell you ‘no’ left and right. Like, if I didn’t ever get told ‘no’, I’d be a multimillionaire right now… I’ve come a long way. Just get used to the word no.” -Charles KinG
Check out his newest album: Off With Their Heads

A genuinely humble, in the way he carries himself and how he interacts with people he meets for the first time. He is open to giving advice to those who seek it. Ask him anything about his creative process, performing live, or going on tour. The first time we saw Charles KinG perform, we were amazed at his freestyle ability where he and Snap Murphy instructed the audience to pull something out their pockets so they can rap about it. First impression of Charles King is his humility, sense of humor, and his amazing talent. His storytelling and clever rhymes keeps us excited for what he releases next!
Listen to Charles King on ALL Streaming Platforms
Follow: @charleskingmusic
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