In 2022, a Quebec teen sold an extremely rare Lewis HamiltonF1 card for $900,000 USD. This year, that same teenager appeared in an episode of King of Collectibles: the Goldin Touch on Netflix.
In the series, Ken Goldin travels to different places as he and his team try to pinpoint where rare collectibles are in the world. The episode in question sees Goldin travel to Saguenay, Quebec, where he tracks down the father-son duo who managed to get their hands on a one-of-a-kind Lewis Hamilton card in a pack.
Making the card more valuable is that Hamilton’s signature appears on it. Carlo Civitella, the consignment director, told the two that a private buyer was looking to buy the card for $750,000.
“When I heard that amount, I almost fell backwards,” the father said. “I never thought a little piece of cardboard could be worth that much.”
A collector then appears in the show and offers the father-son duo a cheque that they eventually accept in a later episode. The price is never revealed, but it was known to be higher than the original bid.
Goldin’s auction site eventually added the card and the sale listing showed that the card sold at $900,000, a record for any F1 card.