November 9, 2020
Drakeo The Ruler, née Darrell Caldwell, is a free man.
Caldwell was freed from prison last week (November 4), a little over a year after the musician was acquitted of murder and attempted murder charges following his arrest in 2017. Right after the acquittal, however, he would almost immediately face charges of criminal gang conspiracy and shooting from a car, which would have resulted in a life sentence had he’d been convicted.
Now able to record music in a relatively normal setting (his last project, Thank You For Using GTL, was recorded over a prison phone), Drakeo revealed that he will release his first post-prison project (tentatively titled We Know The Truth) later this month, and has shared its first single “Fights Don’t Matter” which — according to writer Jeff Weiss — was written during his incarceration and recorded a few hours after his release.
Watch the video below.
Drakeo The Ruler – “Fights Don’t Matter” was last modified: November 9th, 2020 by